Thursday, January 28, 2021

Undue Attention

Undue Attention - Level 1
Undue Attention mission text

Faction: Gallente Federation
Mission Type: Encounter
Space Type: Deadspace
Damage Dealt: Thermal/Kinetic
Recommended Damage Dealing: Thermal
Video Clip:
Undue Attention Youtube Video ClipUndue Attention Video Clip

Approach and investigate any large objects you see at the location.

Single Pocket

Group 1:
6x Frigate (Federation Kontos / Hoplon)

Triggers wave 1 on group destruction.

Group 2:
3x Cruiser (Federation Loras)(triggers wave 2)

Wave 1:
5-7x Frigate (Federation Clavis)
2x Frigate (Federation Hastile / Hoplon)

Wave 2:
1x Cruiser Federation Hastatus (Damps)

12x Federation Navy Midshipman Insignia I   
2x Federation Navy Midshipman Insignia II
1x Federation Navy Sergeant Major Insignia I

Undue Attention - Helping the Helpful (2 of 3)

Faction: Gallente Federation
Mission Type: Encounter
Space Type: Deadspace
Damage Dealt: Kinetic/Thermal
Recommended Damage Dealing: Kinetic

Clear any obstacles and obtain help from the Intaki.

Pocket 1

8x Frigate (Federation Hastile / Clavis)

Pocket 2

9x Frigate (Federation Kontos / Clavis / Hastile / Hoplon)
1x Cruiser (Federation Hastarius)

1x Cruiser (Federation Hastatus)(Damps)

1x Federation Navy Command Sergeant Major Insignia I
16x Federation Navy Midshipman Insignia I
1x Federation Navy Midshipman Insignia II
1x Federation Navy Sergeant Major Insignia I

Undue Attention - Closing the Gatel (3 of 3)

Faction: Gallente Federation
Mission Type: Encounter
Space Type: Deadspace
Damage Dealt: Kinetic/Thermal
Recommended Damage Dealing: Kinetic

Destroy the Gallente jump gate.

Pocket 1

1x Gallente Point Defence Battery
5x Frigate (Federation Kontos / Hoplon )

1x Frigate (Federation Praktor Harpago)

Pocket 2

Group 1:
1x Gallente Point Defence Battery
1x Frigate (Federation Praktor Belos)(triggers reinforcements)

8x Frigate (Federation Clavis / Hastile)

Pocket 3

Group 1:
4x Frigate (Federation Kontos)

Group 2:
4x Frigate (Federation Clavis)
2x Frigate (Federation Hastile)

Group 3:
4x Frigate (Federation Clavis)
2x Frigate (Federation Hastile)

1x Gallente Stargate (mission target, triggers some of the wave on structure damage, waves 1 thru 5)

Wave 1:
4x Frigate (Federation Hastile)
1x Frigate (Federation Clavis)

Wave 2:
1x Cruiser (Federation Hastarius)

Wave 3:
1x Cruiser (Federation Hastarius)

Wave 4:
4x Frigate (Federation Clavis)

Wave 5:
3x Frigate (Federation Clavis)
1x Frigate (Federation Hastile)
1x Cruiser (Federation Loras)

32x Federation Navy Midshipman Insignia I
2x Federation Navy Midshipman Insignia II   
2x Federation Navy Midshipman Insignia III   
1x Federation Navy Sergeant Major Insignia I

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