Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Oust the Claimjumpers Gallente

Oust the Claimjumpers - Level 5
Oust the Claimjumpers Gallente
Faction: Gallente
Mission Type: Encounter
Space Type: Deadspace
Damage Dealt: Kin/Therm
Recommended Damage Dealing: Kinetic/Thermal

Destroy all enemies.

Single Pocket

6x Frigate (Elite Federation Libertus / Manica / Matara)(Web/Scrams)
12x Battleship (Federation Praktor Hyperion / Covinus / Praetor / Hexeris / Phanix / Praeses)(triggers wave 1)

2x Gallente Heavy Missile Battery
5x Gallente Cruise Missile Battery
2x Tower Sentry Gallente III
2x Gallente Energy Neutralizer Sentry III (Vamps)(triggers wave 4)
2x Gallente Stasis Tower (Web)

Wave 1:
4x Battleship (Federation Covinus, Navis Longa)(triggers wave 2)

Wave 2:
4x Battleship (Federation Praktor Phanix / Hyperion)(triggers wave 3)

Wave 3:
2x Battleship (Federation Praktor Polemo)

Wave 4:
6x Frigate (Elite Federation Insidiator / Lixa / Lochos)(Web/Scrams)

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